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How To Write Clean & Better Code? Expert Tips Every Developer Must Follow

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Tired of writing messy, hard-to-read code? Want to know the expert developer tips to incorporate into your development workflow & lead the way to write cleaner, more maintainable code like a pro?

Writing clean and efficient code while software development is an essential skill that separates mediocre developers from exceptional ones. Clean code ensures that software projects remain manageable and efficient and pay dividends in the short and long run. 

It not only makes it easier for others to understand and work with your code but also for your future self. 

Whether you’re a proficient developer or just a newbie starting your coding journey, incorporating best coding practices can elevate your programming prowess. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss top tips for writing clean and better code in any programming language in 2024. 

But before that, it is necessary to understand why writing clean code is essential to achieving remarkable project success.

Why Clean Code Matters

1. Enhanced Readability: Clean code is like clear instructions, making it easier for developers to understand and work with.

2. Streamlined Collaboration: It fosters teamwork by ensuring everyone can quickly grasp and contribute to the codebase.

3. Smoother Maintenance: Clean code simplifies updates and fixes, saving time and reducing the risk of introducing new bugs.

4. Improved Software Quality: It enhances the overall software quality, leading to better performance and user

10 Top Tips To Write Clean & Better Code

Tip #1: Descriptive Variable Naming

Gone are the days of cryptic variable names like ‘x’ or ‘temp.’ Instead, opt for names that vividly convey the variable’s purpose. 

Descriptive variable naming enhances code readability and comprehension, making it easier for you and other developers to understand its intent and functionality.

Take a look at the example below:

// Poor naming

int x = 10;

// Clean naming

int userAge = 10;

Tip #2: Meaningful Function Names

Functions should serve as self-explanatory units of code. A clear function name should concisely describe its purpose and functionality. 

By using meaningful function names, you can significantly improve code maintainability and reduce the cognitive load on developers interacting with your codebase.

Take a look at the example below:

// Poor naming

void xyz(int a, int b) {

    // function body


// Clean naming

void calculateSum(int num1, int num2) {

    // function body


Tip #3: Consistent Formatting

Consistency is paramount in coding style. Adopting a consistent formatting style across your codebase enhances readability and reduces confusion. 

Whether it’s indentation, spacing, or naming conventions, maintaining consistency fosters a cohesive codebase that is easier to understand and navigate.

Take a look at the example below:

// Inconsistent formatting

int sum = a + b;

int difference = a – b;

// Clean formatting

int sum        = a + b;

int difference = a – b;

Tip #4: Avoid Magic Numbers

Magic numbers—hard-coded numerical values scattered throughout your code—make it challenging to understand and maintain. 

Instead, meaningful names are assigned to these values using named constants. Named constants not only clarify the purpose of the value but also enhance code flexibility and scalability.

Take a look at the example below:

// Poor: int total = quantity * 10;

// Clean: final int PRICE_PER_UNIT = 10; int total = quantity * PRICE_PER_UNIT;

Tip #5: Commenting Code

Comments serve as invaluable documentation for your code, providing insights into its purpose, logic, and functionality. While writing comments, focus on what the code does and why it does it. Clear and concise comments can significantly aid in code comprehension and troubleshooting.

Take a look at the example below:

// Poor commenting

int result = a + b; // Add a and b

// Clean commenting

int result = a + b; // Calculate the sum of variables a and b

Tip #6: Error Handling

Error handling plays a vital role in writing robust and resilient code. Always anticipate potential errors and implement appropriate error-handling mechanisms to handle exceptions gracefully. By addressing errors proactively, you can prevent unexpected crashes and ensure the stability of your application.

Take a look at the example below:

// Poor: try { // risk code } catch (Exception e) { // generic error handling }

// Clean: try { // risk code } catch (IOException e) { // specific error handling }

Tip #7: Modular Code Structure

Breaking your code into smaller, modular components promotes reusability, maintainability, and testability. 

By encapsulating distinct functionalities within separate modules, you create a modular code structure that is easier to understand, debug, and extend. Embrace the principles of modular design to enhance the scalability and flexibility of your codebase.

Take a look at the example below:

// Poor structure

void main() {

    // long, tangled code


// Clean structure

void main() {






Tip #8: Avoid Copy-Pasting Code

Copying and pasting code might seem like a quick solution, but it often leads to duplicated code segments scattered throughout your project. Instead of duplicating code, refactor it into reusable functions or classes.

This reduces redundancy and makes your codebase more manageable and easier to maintain.

Tip #9: Keep Functions Small and Single-Purpose

Breaking down your code into small, focused functions improves readability and enhances code maintainability. 

Each function must be assigned a single responsibility & perform a specific task. Keeping functions small and focused makes your code easier to understand, test, and debug.

Tip #10: Regular Code Reviews

Code reviews are invaluable for ensuring code quality and consistency within a development team. Review code regularly with your peers to identify potential issues, share knowledge, and enforce coding standards. 

Code reviews catch bugs early and promote collaboration and continuous improvement among team members.

Final Words

In conclusion, writing clean and better code is not just about following rules; it’s about adopting a continuous improvement mindset and striving for excellence in every line of code you write. 

By following these expert tips—descriptive variable naming, meaningful function names, consistent formatting, avoiding magic numbers, commenting code, error handling, and modular code structure—you can significantly enhance your codebase’s readability, maintainability, and reliability. 

Clean code makes it easier for developers and team members to understand, maintain, and extend, leading to more efficient and successful software projects. 

If you’re eager to level up your coding skills and master the art of writing clean and efficient code, enroll in the LearNowX course. It can help you acquire industry-relevant skills and expertise to succeed in today’s competitive tech landscape. Join thousands of developers worldwide in mastering coding in Python, Java, Salesforce, and full-stack development, taking your coding expertise to the next level. Kickstart your learning journey with LearNowX, a leading learning and training platform, today!

Harsh Vardhan Mishra

Practice Head ( Salesforce, Apex, C, Python)

An accomplished trainer with over 17 years of deep experience in training and mentoring small and large groups of professionals across diverse sectors. He holds a variety of educational backgrounds, including B.Tech(Computer Science & Engineering), M.Tech(Information Technology), and Ph.D. (Computer Science & Engineering), along with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning certification that showcases his professional expertise and credibility. He possesses a wealth of knowledge in IT services spanning Salesforce, Apex C, and Python. On weekends mostly, Harsh likes to listen to The Breakfast Club Podcast with a hot cup of tea.

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